First, just a correction to make: Garnier Fructis wax costs $6.99 at London Drugs, moving it into the pricier range (and thus less recommended).
So, Gatsby Moving Rubber is the most popular Asian hair product for guys, and with good reason.
The Fab: Mine cost about $7-8 each, and at 80 grams, you're getting more product for your money than most other brands. And it's made in Japan, which means you're getting quality product, too.
The websites for
Hong Kong and
Japan have numerous instructional videos that good for both beginners and experienced stylists.
It comes in a variety of colours/styles that are each suited for different length hair and looks.
The Drab: In Vancouver, I haven't seen Gatsby for less than $17. In Los Angeles, I bought Yellow Gatsby at a supermarket in Little Tokyo for $7.49. If you buy it in Hong Kong, it comes out around $7 Canadian (depending on the exchange rate). Moving Rubber can be hard to find in North America, and costly even if you do... Most people get friends to bring it back from vacations to either HK/China or Japan.
Also, the websites are in Chinese and Japanese, and the videos are in Japanese, which can be a problem for some.
It comes in so many colours that you may be tempted to collect them all, which can drain your wallet.

Pink (Spiky Edge) is the most commonly used because most guys keep their hair within the length range of Japanese short (which seems closer to medium for non-Asians). This is the strongest and thickest Moving Rubber, which makes it useful for straight-up spikes. If you use a lot (aka too much) you can make medium hair stand up straight, though I don't know why you would want to. If you have longer hair, Pink will still work, but it won't be the best choice for your hair.

Purple (Wild Shake) is a slightly thinner version of Pink--it has a strong hold that is meant for longer hair (not long, just longer). Instead of straight-up spikes you'll have sideways spikes.

Green (Air Rise) is meant for medium length hair. You won't get much in terms of spikes, but it will give hair volume and texture, which is great especially for those with thin hair. Don't waste it on short hair though, since you won't get as much out of it as you would with Pink.
Conclusion: Obviously, I highly recommend Moving Rubber for every guy. You have to be careful to get the right type for your hair, though: which is why I collect them. There are other colours, too: orange (for medium-long hair), grey, yellow, and black (which is rare and hard to find). I haven't tried these ones yet, though, so if anyone has anything to share about them just e-mail me.