Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dear faire.Hair,

I have trouble with keeping my hair smooth.  I wash it in the morning every other day, and then I air dry it.  On the second morning I brush the tangles out, but by then I'm plagued by frizzy hair and I look like a mess.  Help!

From, Frizzled

Dear Frizzled,

The root of your problems is that you wash and then air dry.  Since washing dries out your hair a bit, even with conditioner, blowdrying is an important step in your morning routine.  First of all, drying your hair all at once means you get to control the shape that it dries in.  If you air dry, however, your hair will dry in all sorts of weird positions--which is why it ends up frizzy.  Secondly, the heat from the blowdryer adds a bit of shine and gloss to your hair, kind of like what a good hair straightener does.  Some people have trouble with frizzy hair even if they do blowdry, and this is usually a sign of damaged and/or weak hair.  There are products available that you put in after washing and before blowdrying that contain nutrients to replenish your hair while at the same time minimizing frizziness, but this of course takes time and money, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you're having major problems with your hair.

From, faire.Hair

1 comment:

  1. AWWW ADVICE COLUMN ALREADY! This is awesome. You're like a hairier version of Dear Abby (no i mean that as a compliment!)
